Amnesia the dark descent the shadow
Amnesia the dark descent the shadow

My experience of horror would soon change… These sort of examples were the only experiences I had with horror for many years and so it can be forgiven if that was all I thought the horror genre consisted of, zombies and/or body gore that was designed to create this repulsive dread and fear in the viewer/player, as well as jump scares, which I now believe are not scary and create the emotion of fear, but a physical reaction that is called ‘unpleasant’. My distaste in this physical horror was probably birthed from my father, who would probably win Most Irresponsible Father Award in 1999 when forced me to try and tackle Nemesis from ‘Resident Evil 3’.

amnesia the dark descent the shadow

I just didn’t appreciate the vast amount horrible zombies present. No, I am not lying and yes, I knew it was a comedy and found bits of it funny. To give you an idea of how pathetic I may seem to avid horror fans, I was absolutely terrified when I first watched ‘Shaun of The Dead’.

amnesia the dark descent the shadow

Ever! I am a huge wuss and easily startled by the likes of zombies and excessive gore, which is the general approach with western horror (or at least the few that I have been exposed too) during my life so far. The reason is simple: I don’t do horror games. Amnesia: The Dark Descent was released almost 10 years ago on PC (at the time of typing) and I refus ed to play it for pretty much since it’s release.

Amnesia the dark descent the shadow